State of Washington Test the Light Rail and Bus Systems
Public transit once again filled with people, train and bus operators spotted a troubling trend. Some operators reported instances of people smoking drugs on their vehicles, and worried that the haze it created could linger, potentially affecting workers’ physical and mental health. As an enviromental testing company these signs are easy to notice.
A UW research team conducted a limited-scope, first-of-its-kind assessment and detected fentanyl and methamphetamine on board numerous transit vehicles, both in the air and on surfaces. But nearly all of the positive samples contained small amounts that are unlikely to cause acute medical conditions. And it remains unclear if consistent, long-term exposure — such as that potentially faced by operators working a 40-hour week — poses a risk to worker health.
No enforceable federal or state regulations exist for either fentanyl or methamphetamine exposures in a workplace.
Meth at your local gas station?
Methamphetamine (meth) contamination at gas stations is a growing concern in some areas due to the illicit manufacture or use of the drug in these locations. Gas stations, especially public restrooms, can sometimes serve as sites for drug use or makeshift meth production.
Pacific Northwest Inspections Group test for Meth in area with Public housing. PNWIG wondered how far the contamination goes where the Public is unaware. So we decided to test the gas pumps at a local gas station in an area where we frequerntly see meth issues. Does handling these pumps tranfers meth residue?
Results are in! Test came back at 2.5uG with limit for WA State being 1.5uG. So glove up Washington.
Meth residue can pose health risks, especially for people exposed to contaminated surfaces or air. Potential effects include:
Pacific Northwest Inspections Group test for Meth in areas within Public housing neighborhood. PNWIG wondered how far the contamination exposure goes where the Public is unaware. So we decided to test the gas pumps at a local gas station in an area where we frequerntly see meth issues. Does handling these pumps tranfers meth residue? ( Lab Results Pending )
Drug residue dangerous?
Yes, methamphetamine (meth) drug residue can be dangerous, especially when present in enclosed spaces like homes, vehicles, or workplaces. While the level of risk depends on the amount and duration of exposure, meth residue can have both short-term and long-term health impacts, particularly for vulnerable populations like children, the elderly, and those with pre-existing health conditions.